Monday, May 3, 2010

August 2010 Message Center

Note to Team leaders from Rocky:
Leadtracking teleconference and Promasonry calendar below:

September 13th- next Teleconference/CLT

Dial 712-338-7105
Access Code: 814-601-178
8:00 Lisa Pelham-Tampa
8:15 Greg Strickland-Southeast
8:30 Dave Pfeffer -Treasure Coast
8:45 Brian Fulcher- Central/WestCentral
9:00 Kem Magnant - North Central
9:15 Shelly Honsberger - SouthWest
9:30 Paul Rivers - NorthEast
9:45 Jeff Gamel - NorthWest
September 17- Meeting/Promasonry MAF convention
October 4-Teleconference/CLT
November 8 -Teleconference/CLT
November 9-Meeting/Promasonry
December 6-Teleconference/CLT Lead Tracking

Note to Team leaders from Don:
Please call 561-310-9902 to sign up for google docs. Local area chairs can send me a list of names and emails to make sure everyone is signed up. Every email has to have an account open and accessible to google Docs. Thanks in advance for your help.

Note to Team leaders from Joyce:
Remember to record details or conversions on the bottom of CLT scorecard and forward any comments you would like to added on the blog below to me at

Notes from August 2nd teleconference: All attendees were advised of next teleconference change from September 6th to September 13th. Rocky Jenkins thanked each for their hard work and mentioned the national exposure that Florida's activities had generated via Pat McLaughlin's CLT overview at the NCMA conference. Tampa- Lisa Pelham. Don will be archiving duplicates listed in Orange. Lisa is holding teleconference in 2 weeks where they will be working on June and July projects. Pasco has not made a decision on the school project. Sarasota Co. is planning to go masonry on their project. Team is working well in Tampa. Polk is still slow. Rocky will be meeting with Lisa in the next month on Polk. Treasure Coast- Dave Pfeffer. 1 project. Working with the AIA to set up meeting. Ocala-Brian Fulcher. Cleaned up database with Brian. Orlando- Brian Fulcher. personally contacted each team member. Will be meeting this month with team on August 12th. Rocky will be attending meeting. Brian will be contacting Vance w/Maschmeyer. Northcentral- Kem Magnant. No masonry meeting in June or July. Chip, Duwayne and Kem are having the leadtracking meetings with Jerry Painter. Scheduled for September 27th Masonry Field Day. 4-7 PM. Tour of cement mill/Newberry and quarry. Will include 2 learning presentations. Got forms from Deb. Deb will also provide a flyer for marketing purposes. Association will e-mail to engineers, architects, etc. Jerry Painter/flashing/weeps. Don Beers/Kem -Fire rating. Architects(working with local AIA/Ricardo Catolino), Engineers & Building officials. Jim Painter is meeting with NCCER/Haskell for follow-up on that project. Up to date with all calls 100% qualified. Southwest-Not present-Shelly Honsberger on pour/follow-up by Rocky Jenkins. Northeast-Paul Rivers. 69% qualified right now. Will be reaccounting all projects. Continue to get everyone involved and has great success with non-bucket meetings. Excellent meetings with PQA and Haskell. Northwest-Not present- Jeff Gamel/on vacation / follow-up by Don Beers. Rocky Jenkins, Don Beers, Mike Ryan and Pat McLaughlin will meet prior to the convention for a 1/2 day to set goals and determine path for Promasonry's incorporation of Vision 20/20, Residential and continuation of CLT activities for 2011.

Lisa Pelham
Cell 813-784-1973



Shelly Honsberger




Greg Strickland
561- 239-0386
Teleconferences: 1-866-756-1914
Pass code 6489663




Treasure Coast
Dave Pfeffer



Brian Fulcher



Paul Rivers



Kem Magnant




Jeff Gamel or




Brian Fulcher



Tuesday, April 27, 2010

CLT training April 27, 2010 Minutes

Self-Introductions - Joyce Rivas, PatMcLaughlin, Don Beers,Danielle Larson, Dewayne Stedham, Robert Irish, Greg Strickland, Scott Jacobs, Jose Benitez, Wade Mulllins, Bob DiPietro, Lisa Pelham, Don Zuhr, Wally Dayem, Bryan Fulcher, Frian Bussell, Bill Parsons, Shelly Honsberger, Mike Ryan, Rocky Jenkins, John Rehrer,Lora Ferris, Roger Paul, Kevin Decker, Andrew Ryan, Chip Sykes, Lenny Faulkner, Paul Rivers, Kem Magnant
E-mail,,,,,,,,, bdipietro@fsscompanycom,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Welcome by Mike Ryan, Promasonry Chairman. Meeting operating until anti-trust guidelines.
Rocky Jenkins provided Orientation and review of Google docs Leadtracking data to date

Kem Magnant participated in Calling & Meeting Architects topic – Do’s & Don'ts. Introductions, Why?-Identify goals, What type of call, Why should they listen to you?, Assemble your tools, NCMA Tek notes as a resource, Bulletins and details, Lunch and learns process and agenda, Follow-up . Lisa Pelham provided insight to architect call preparation, who should participate in architect presentations. Vendors and a masonry contractor. Discussion ensued regarding handling of objections and encouraging evaluation of using masonry over alternative systems. Don Beers and Rocky Jenkins encouraged identification and dialogue for timing of scheduling meetings. How to get through the gatekeeper. Call after 5:00. Ask about opportunity to update the library.

Rocky Introduced 7 of the 9 area Committee chairs. Greg Strickland overviewed the expectation of committee chairs. Locate Project decision makers. Qualify projects into appropriate 'buckets" by asking the right questions. Understand masonry and utilize industry resources. Set up meeting or presentation to influence design towards masonry. Update assigned projects on Google Docs by end of each month. Take ownership of the projects assigned to you.. Attend committee meetings & conference calls. Promote masonry. Talk to your committee chair. Tell them what your comfort level is for presentations.

Don Beers Google Doc’s WorkshopRocky Jenkins-Review of process for sign-in. Please do not sort the sheet, do not want to delete columns. You can hide columns by right clicking on the column. You can hide them, but do NOT DELETE columns. Do edit the sheet or import an excel sheet back in. You can cut and paste information back in. You can hide columns if you need to. Every area is responsible for their own spreadsheet. RED is DEAD-highlight whole project. Categorizing of projects in different phases was discussed. Different phases are assigned different project numbers and Don posts them accordingly.

Rocky Jenkins conducted Informal feedback and discussion and asked committee chairs to review tracking templates. Outstanding participation. Thank you for the work you are doing making the calls. This is all about masonry. It is already making a difference. Request for a list of those that are certified to issue credits.

Open discussion ended the training at 3:30 PM

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

April/May 2010 Message Center

Note to Team leaders from Rocky:

Attached is the attendance list for the training next Tuesday. You have done a great job getting your teams out. Our biggest conflict was the Oldcastle Group having Sales Training that same day. Attendance stats summarize as follows:

No-9 didn’t have majority of Oldcastle on list due to conflict

The tentative agenda is proposed as follows. Your feedback is encouraged as we want these three hours to be as productive as possible for your teams.

Session I Lunch, Introductions & Orientation
Rocky Jenkins-12:00 – 12:30
Session II Calling & Meeting Architects – Do’s & Don’ts
Kem Magnant & Lisa Pelham 12:30 – 1:15
Presentation on just what it says- Do’s & Don’ts
Session III Desires of a Committee Chair
Paul Rivers & Greg Strickland 1:15 – 1:45
Lays out the process with emphasis on areas you need support
Break 1:45 - 2:00
Session IV Google Doc’s Workshop
Don Beers 2:00 - 2:45 laptops if possible, basic workshop
What’s there and how to
Session V Informal Feedback & Discussion
All, Facilitated by Rocky Jenkins 2:45 - 3:30
Open discussion – looking for buy in from the group

You have made tremendous progress over the past four months qualifying almost 300 commercial projects. We have nine Commercial Lead Tracking committees with approximately 60 participants. Continued qualifications are essential; however, I’m contacting you to request your help to take the CLT initiative to the next level. As you are aware we have over 50 projects where the Architect is undecided relative to the structural wall system. These Bucket 3 projects demand special handling if we are to achieve the expected conversions and ultimate increase in market share.

There to you have been selected to be part of a Bucket 3 Task Force put together for the express purpose of following up these undecided leads. We have reserved a meeting room at the Florida Concrete Products Association office in Orlando on Tuesday, April 27. Lunch will be available at 12:00 after which we will start the meeting at 12:30 ending no later than 3:30. The purpose of the meeting is to train on making Bucket 3 calls, secure appropriate meeting venues and ultimately influence these projects to masonry.

Your attendance at this meeting is vital.

Note to Team leaders from Don:
Please call 561-310-9902 to sign up for google docs. Local area chairs can send me a list of names and emails to make sure everyone is signed up. Every email has to have an account open and accessible to google Docs. Thanks in advance for your help.

Note to Team leaders from Joyce:
1. April 27, 12:00-3:00 Lunch served
Qualifying role playing Architect call training. See message above from Rocky Jenkins
FC&PA building 6353 Lee Vista Blvd. Orlando, FL.

2. Please continue to use the new spreadsheet posted on google docs that was reviewed at the last teleconference to record your area's bucket listing breakdown prior to the monthly leadtracking teleconference. Remember to record details from any conversions on the bottom of the page.

3. Leadtracking Teleconference May 3rd
Dial 213-289-0012
Access Code: 796-339-411
ID: 796-339-411

8:00 Lisa Pelham-Tampa
8:30 Greg Strickland-Southeast/Miami
9:00 Dave Pfeffer-Treasure Coast
9:30 Bill Parsons-Orlando
10:00 Wes Simmons for Kem Magnant-NorthCentral
10:30 Shelley Honsberger-Southwest
11:00 Paul Rivers-Northeast
11:30 Brian Fulcher-West Central
12:00 Jeff Gamel-Northwest

4. Bucket #3 area details are on your blogs below. If you include me in your team e-mails, I will update information. Should you need additional comments added to your areas below, please forward to me at

Lisa Pelham cell
Message: Teleconferences
April 19-Completed
April 30-Completed


Other promotional activities:
Continued conversation on BIM modeling and interface with masonry in the Tampa/architect role. Request for sample commercial comparison to use in promotion. Dave Luebs is participating through CSI and networking responsibilities and is working on a Pasco County School Board project with plans to use his new Scholarship Committee position to meet the right folks at USF and keep masonry in front of them. The MCAF Tampa Bay chapter has for many years handed out 2 $1,000 scholarships to deserving students as selected by our local committee annually. The student must be enrolled in the USF School of Architecture.Follow-up 3-3-2010 Bob DiPietro 813-299-3801 2-10-2010 spoke with John Holt of Reynolds / Smith / Hill regarding Ritchie Elemetary (Pasco County School). He is very interested in listening to us. The project is currently in master planning and premature for an accurate CMU cost comparison based on the current drawings. This is RSH first Pasco School project and is interested in looking at cost comparisons between CMU and tilt-up. Pasco School Board decisions on past schools to go tilt-up was strictly cost driven.


Shelly Honsberger
Danielle Larson will be setting bucket #3 appointments for the SW. Shelley is working with AIA for a June 2nd and/or 3rd breakfast meeting with several architects participating for CEU credits. Additionally scheduling meetings for the Victor Christian Church project, Lemon Bay school and FGCU college projects.



Greg Strickland
561- 239-0386
Teleconferences: 1-866-756-1914
Pass code 6489663




Treasure Coast
Dave Pfeffer

Message: Meeting scheduled with Suffolk for mid-April. Bob Irish is scheduling a meeting with AIA chapter. 1 bucket #2 , 2 bucket #4 active project for area. In process for AIA group presentation. Other project, Boy Scout camp is on hold.VIEW



Bill Parsons
407-816-5740 Ext. 13

February and March 2010 projects have been assigned in the Google Docs to the following: Andrew Ryan, Charles Wallin,Don Zuhr, Jay Snyder,Lenny Faulkner, John Rehrer,Ronnie Blom
Chris Bettinger and Wally Dayem. Request to complete qualifications for January, February and March was made. A meeting was scheduled for April 27th in the afternoon to discuss any issues as well as commitment to this process.



Paul Rivers
4 projects 1-qualified bucket #4. There is good news and bad news for the Northeast area. The bad news is that we have the second lowest qualified project total in the state. The good news is that we have the second most projects to call on in the state. Feedback from the promasonry meeting that can help us overcome project qualification issues includes 'role-playing' architect calls and restructuring committees to qualify more projects and obtain more bucket#3 meetings converting more projects to block by attending the meeting in Orlando at the FCPA building on April 27th from 12:00 to 4:00pm. Commercial leads in Excel format from February and March were distributed to team to be completed by the end of April. Don Beers' calendar was included to help assist in scheduling 'Lunch and Learns' for May dates.
Other activity- Meeting April 6th/L&L with Don Beers at NEFBA/AIA meeting Engineers, architects and builders/approximately 22 in attendance/representing 4-5 firms. Promotion of masonry certification workshop. Additional members are being added to team and being coordinated with Rocky Jenkins.


Kem Magnant
Message/Tallahassee: Meeting with two sales reps in Tallahassee and will be reviewing projects for status. Discuss forming sub-committee in that area. Gary Shuard and Sam Pickenpaugh/Vulcan for job information.

April 14 – 2010 – 3:00 pm

NC Lead Tracking meeting
Attendees – Kem Magnant, Wes Simmons, Dewayne Stidham, Chip Sykes
Anti Trust guidelines were reviewed
No new projects were assigned for this month. Older projects were reviewed and bucket 3 projects were assigned for meetings and additional contacts. Upcoming lunch & learn with Alachua County Schools was discussed and plans were made for attendees and lunches.
Meeting was complete at 3:45.

April 22, 2010
Lunch & Learn – Alachua County Schools
Attendees – 3 School system employees – 3 people with MM Parrish – General Contractor, Jerry Painter – Painter Masonry, Dewayne Stidham, Kem Magnant, & Wes Simmons – Florida Rock- Chip with CEMEX was invited but unable to attend.
Don Beers presented the moisture penetration program along with the masonry promotions discussion. Handouts were given to attendees.

2 – Schools in Alachua County were on the tracking report. The prototype as presented by the General Contractor is precast. Don was aware of this hurdle prior to the meeting and geared the discussion to the cost and time advantages of masonry. The school system was unwilling to give masonry a chance on these 2 schools; however we feel that they will give masonry an opportunity in the future. We will continue to watch this school system and update their references for future jobs.

April 27, 2010
Lead Tracking training
Attendees – Chip Sykes – CEMEX, Dewayne Stidham & Kem Magnant – Florida Rock
3 members of the NC Lead Tracking team attended the training meeting in Orlando.

The Northcentral chapter has placed emphasis on Promasonry activity and progress at each monthly meeting. New projects were divided and people were assigned to make the calls. Current bucket 3 projects were discussed and contacts were assigned for follow up. Wes Simmons volunteered to contact Ponikvar Architects and try to schedule a meeting and/or lunch & learn. Ricardo Cavallino about speaking at the AIA meeting. Chip will contact UF about current projects and to try and set up a meeting. Thomas had information about a current project on the list.



Jeff Gamel



Brian Fulcher
3 February projects 2 qualified. 1 project pending. Heather Island Market Center and will be developed. Currently slated to contain an Auto Zone and Murphy's auto center.Jeff Colebrook, Paul Micali and Lance Hill are part of the Ocala team. Brian Fulcher and team will revisit October, November and December projects for status.


Monday, March 15, 2010

March 2010 Message Center

Note to Team leaders from Don:
A quick phone call to 561-310-9902 to sign up for google docs is best. Local area chairs can send me a list of names and emails to make sure everyone is signed up. Every email has to have an account open and accessible to google Docs. Thanks in advance for your help.

Note to Team leaders from Joyce:
Please be sure to use the new spreadsheet posted on google docs that was reviewed at the last teleconference to record your area's bucket listing breakdown. Remember to record details from any conversions on the bottom of the page. I will continue to track Bucket #3 details on your blogs, if you include me in your team e-mails. Should you need additional comments added to your areas below, please forward to me at

Tampa 3-8-2010
Lisa Pelham cell 813-784-1973
March 8 Teleconference- Complete
March 29 - 8:30 AM

Completed 10 Projects in February. L&L were held on March 17 (Bucket #2) GLE & Assoc. /Fire Station and March 30 (Bucket #3) St. Petersburg Police Department. No decision made on the project. Introduced masonry awards program. Firm designs in both tilt and masonry.

Called on architectural firm Forum Architects-multifamily housing. Designed previously in wood. One of the pending projects that was designed in wood/Sable Park Apartments/conversion.

Teleconference emphasized bucket three project appointments. Allison has an L&L set in Orlando on Wednesday, March 31st with Don Beers for a Bucket #3 and there are about 4-5 Bucket #3 projects that are in the process of setting appointments. Lisa Pelham assigned new projects for March for both Polk/Tampa. Projects were reassigned that had no activity from team. There is a L&L scheduled in Orlando that Lisa is facilitating on March 17. 2 other projects/Allison Willmeng and Bob Pietro that are pending for L&L's. Lisa reassigned projects from inactive members to those on the teleconference. Some team members continue to be challenged by google docs. Dave Luebs is participating through CSI and networking responsibilities and is working on a Pasco County School Board project. Continued conversation on BIM modeling and interface with masonry in the Tampa/architect role. Request for sample commercial comparison to use in promotion.



Other promotional activities
Dave Luebs plans to use his new Scholarship Committee position to meet the right folks at USF and keep masonry in front of them. The MCAF Tampa Bay chapter has for many years handed out 2 $1,000 scholarships to deserving students as selected by our local committee annually. The student must be enrolled in the USF School of Architecture.
Follow-up 3-3-2010 Bob DiPietro 813-299-3801 2-10-2010 spoke with John Holt of Reynolds / Smith / Hill regarding Ritchie Elemetary (Pasco County School). He is very interested in listening to us. The project is currently in master planning and premature for an accurate CMU cost comparison based on the current drawings. This is RSH first Pasco School project and is interested in looking at cost comparisons between CMU and tilt-up. Pasco School Board decisions on past schools to go tilt-up was strictly cost driven.



Southwest 3-15-2010
Shelly Honsberger 941-915-2035
Message: March 9-prior to teleconference-Complete

Projects for month have all been assigned/7. Committee is currently active. Danielle Larson will be setting bucket #3 appointments for the SW. Shelley is working with AIA for a June 2nd and/or 3rd breakfast meeting with several architects participating for CEU credits. Additionally scheduling meetings for the Victor Christian Church project, Lemon Bay school and FGCU college projects.



Southeast/Miami 3-2-2010
Greg Strickland 561- 239-0386
Teleconferences: 1-866-756-1914 Pass code 6489663
13 new Projects-1 qualified. 131 total/51 qualified. Gaining momentum. 11-Bucket#3. March 10th L&L Miami project from February. FIU/Stempel Complex Bucket #3-Perkins & Will. Working on committing new members including a an additional committee chair and members for the Miami area.

Local Meeting has been postponed; too many people on vacation and lack of responses. Will try again at a later date. Updates requested for conference call on Monday, April 5th – on this call, all the progress of each team member is addressed and the project tracking scorecard is updated.

New project assignments from February, 2010 have been delegated. There are still many prior months unqualified projects. The SE and Miami tabs which each names highlighted in yellow under column “N”. The columns that need to be filled in on each project are highlighted in green:

Bucket Number, Column “D”
Entry Date, Column “O”
ProMasonry Comment & Follow Up, Column “P”

Our main goals are to contact every project and determine which bucket they fall into. On bucket 3’s, since a structural wall decision has not been made, they need the most attention – our goal there is to set up an appointment to discuss masonry. Project's on hold will be determined to be “dead” or just on “hold”. If it’s on hold, a good time frame to follow up again (6 months, 1 year, etc).




Treasure Coast 2-25-2010
Dave Pfeffer 561-239-1400
Message: Meeting 3-18 prior to MAF meeting

Non-Bucket Project L&L was cancelled and will be rescheduled with a high profile project. Meeting scheduled with Suffolk for mid-April. Bob Irish is scheduling a meeting with AIA chapter. 1 bucket #2 , 2 bucket #4 active project for area. In process for AIA group presentation. Shawn McGee with Oceanside has been prepped and will participate in the teleconference in Dave Pfeffer's absence. The West Palm Beach College Campus expansion has a meeting set up for the 17th with the contractor, subcontractor, engineer of record and our team including Don Beers, Oceanside Masonry and Dave Pfeffer. Anticipating a 'win'. Other project, Boy Scout camp is on hold.



Central/Orlando 2-15-2010
Bill Parsons 407-816-5740 Ext. 13
Message: March 17-5:00 PM prior to General meeting

12 Projects are in the process of being assigned. Participation of team members on google docs is sporatic. Rocky will discuss a group meeting and will be adding some new committee members.

All team members should have their google account established. The list for January 31, 2010 has been distributed to all: Andrew Ryan, Charles Wallin, Don Zuhr, Jay Snyder, Lenny Faulkner, JohnRehrer, Ronnie Blom, Chris Bettinger, Wally Dayem with a plan to make the calls and update the google docs prior to our next Promasonry reporting conference call on March 9th. Refer to Google Docs for recent activity. Strong consideration to “cold calling” the architectural firms scheduling “lunch & learns” for any masonry topic in addition to trying to get a dialog going about a specific project to a specific person.



Northeast 3-3-2010
Paul 386-527-5674
4 projects 1-qualified bucket #4. Other activity- Meeting April 6th/L&L with Don Beers at NEFBA/AIA meeting Engineers, architects and builders/approximately 22 in attendance/representing 4-5 firms. Promotion of masonry certification workshop. 'Lunch and Learn' on Tuesday, March 16th with VRL Architects at Noon. VRL's office is located at 6501 Arlington Expressway, Ste 101. Don Beers will be doing 'Moisture Prevention in Masonry Construction' presentation for CEU credits with VRL. Cold calls on other local architects will be included with L&L's. Additional members are being added to team and being coordinated with Rocky Jenkins.



Northcentral/Tallahassee 3-5-2010
Kem Magnant 229-630-4235
Message/Tallahassee: Meeting with two sales reps in Tallahassee and will be reviewing projects for status. Discuss forming sub-committee in that area. Gary Shuard and Sam Pickenpaugh/Vulcan for job information.

Alachua Co. F&G Elementary/Bucket 2. Set up L&L set up for April 22nd set up scheduled to be tilt which is on Don's calendar for a conversion. Projects are on-hold for a short period. Looking at current prototype for tilt-up. Very interested in hearing from Masonry industry. Goal to get a meeting set up/UF Conference center on the 22nd.

The North Central Pro Masonry group held their meeting yesterday afternoon March 17, at 2:30 pm.Attendees: Wes Simmons, Don Beers, Joyce Rivas, Chip Sykes, Thomas Moss, Kem Magnant, Jim Allen. Anti-trust statement was passed around and all members are familiar with the documentKem handed out the current project list and newly added projects were discussedNew projects were divided and people were assigned to make the calls.Current bucket 3 projects were discussed and contacts were assigned for follow up.Wes Simmons volunteered to contact Ponikvar Architects and try to schedule a meeting and/or lunch & learn. Ricardo Cavallino about speaking at the AIA meeting. Chip will contact UF about current projects and to try and set up a meeting. Thomas had information about a current project on the list. Next meeting will be held at 3:00 on April 14th.



Northwest/Panhandle 2-5-2010
Jeff Gamel



Westcentral/Ocala 3-5-2010
Brian Fulcher 321-431-2442
Message: 3 February projects 2 qualified. 1 project pending. Heather Island Market Center and will be developed. Currently slated to contain an Auto Zone and Murphy's auto center.
Jeff Colebrook, Paul Micali and Lance Hill are part of the Ocala team. Revisiting October, November and December projects.



Thursday, February 11, 2010

February 2010 Message Center

Note to Team leaders from Don:

A quick phone call to 561-310-9902 to sign up for google docs is best. Local area chairs can send me a list of names and emails to make sure everyone is signed up. Every email has to have an account open and accessible to google Docs. I just feel like Thanks in advance for your help.

Note to Team leaders from Joyce:
Please be sure to have each project assigned a bucket number column on Googledocs for the upcoming and a conference call scheduled for project updates . A spreadsheet was sent out by Rocky Jenkins last week for tracking teleconference. If you need additional comments added to your areas below, please forward to me at

Tampa 3-8-2010
Lisa Pelham cell 813-784-1973


February 22-complete

March 8- Complete

March 22 8:30 AM

Lisa Pelham assigned new projects for March for both Polk/Tampa. Projects were reassigned that had no activity from team. There is a L&L scheduled in Orlando that Lisa is facilitating. 2 other projects/Allison Willmeng and Bob Pietro that are pending for L&L's. Consideration is being given to assign a specific person to schedule bucket #2/#3 appointments. Some team members continue to be challenged by google docs. Dave Luebs is participating through CSI and networking responsibilities and is working on a Pasco County School Board project. Continued conversation on BIM modeling and interface with masonry in the Tampa/architect role. Request for sample commercial comparison to use in promotion.

Other promotional activities
Dave Luebs plans to use his new Scholarship Committee position to meet the right folks at USF and keep masonry in front of them. The MCAF Tampa Bay chapter has for many years handed out 2 $1,000 scholarships to deserving students as selected by our local committee annually. The student must be enrolled in the USF School of Architecture.

  • Follow-up 3-3-2010 Bob DiPietro 813-299-3801 2-10-2010 spoke with John Holt of Reynolds / Smith / Hill regarding Ritchie Elemetary (Pasco County School). He is very interested in listening to us. The project is currently in master planning and premature for an accurate CMU cost comparison based on the current drawings. This is RSH first Pasco School project and is interested in looking at cost comparisons between CMU and tilt-up. Pasco School Board decisions on past schools to go tilt-up was strictly cost driven.

Southwest 2-25-2010
Shelly Honsberger 941-915-2035

Meeting February 23-Complete.

Next meeting March 9-prior to teleconference

Danielle Larson will be setting bucket #3 appointments for the SW

Southeast/Miami 3-2-2010
Greg Strickland 561- 239-0386
Teleconferences: 1-866-756-1914 Pass code 6489663

Message: Excel sheet with new project assignments from Jan 31st 2010 have been sent to the team. Results from the Dec 31st 2009 will be e-mailed or updated to Google Docs. Some Dec 31st projects are now reassigned. Columns to be completed on each project are:

  • Bucket Number
  • Entry Date
  • ProMasonry Comment & Follow Up

    Our main goals are to contact every project and determine buckets and set appointments for bucket 3’s. Determination of projects as “dead” or just on “hold”

  • For those who saw Team USA put the Olympic Gold Medal Hockey match into overtime with less than 30 seconds yet – never give up… matter the outcome.

    If you haven’t already, please finish calling the projects that were assigned to each of you and updating columns “D”, “O”, “P” and “N” of each project.

    New projects will be arriving any day now and a conference call with the MAF ProMasonry Board is scheduled for Mar 9th for project updates

Treasure Coast 2-25-2010
Dave Pfeffer 561-239-1400

Message: Meeting 2-18-2010 -complete. 1 active project for area. In process for AIA group presentation. Shawn McGee with Oceanside has been prepped and will participate in the teleconference in Dave Pfeffer's absence. The West Palm Beach College Campus expansion has a meeting set up for the 17th with the contractor, subcontractor, engineer of record and our team including Don Beers, Oceanside Masonry and Dave Pfeffer. Anticipating a 'win'. Other project, Boy Scout camp is on hold. Next CLT meeting will be held prior to the Treasure Coast meeting on March 18.

Central/Orlando 2-15-2010
Bill Parsons 407-816-5740 Ext. 13
Message: February 17-5:30 PM prior to General meeting-Complete

All team members should have their google account established. The list for January 31, 2010 has been distributed to all: Andrew Ryan, Charles Wallin, Don Zuhr, Jay Snyder, Lenny Faulkner, JohnRehrer, Ronnie Blom, Chris Bettinger, Wally Dayem with a plan to make the calls and update the google docs prior to our next Promasonry reporting conference call on March 9th.

Refer to Google Docs for recent activity. Please post updates by Monday the 8th. Strong consideration to “cold calling” the architectural firms scheduling “lunch & learns” for any masonry topic in addition to trying to get a dialog going about a specific project to a specific person.

Northeast 3-3-2010
Message: Robert Carlton and Paul Rivers have potential architects for L & L's and are setting appointments. February 19 meeting provided additional Team members who are working on CLT calls. Please refer to google docs for most recent updates to projects.

Northcentral/Tallahassee 3-5-2010
Kem Magnant 229-630-4235

Message/Gainesville: The NC group has not had a meeting as the MAF meeting last month was cancelled. They have been working by phone and e-mail. The NC google docs page is updated. Most jobs have been classified and quite a few are dead. Contact was made with Ricardo Cavallino who is the AIA Gainesville president. We have had an informal meeting and discussed doing a presentation at one of the AIA upcoming meetings. He was sent a flyer with discussion points and he will bring it before the group and let us know what dates they have available. We have noted 2 jobs where we would like Don’s help.

Northwest/Panhandle 2-5-2010
Jeff Gamel

Ocala 3-5-2010
Lance Hill 352-266-0553

Met with Brian Fulcher and Jeff Colebrook on March 2nd to organize promotional efforts and projects. Lance Hill needs Google doc permissions for e-mail Sent recent project update attachment

Monday, February 8, 2010

Agenda February 9, 2010

9:30 am to 2:30 pm
FC&PA | 6353 Lee Vista Blvd. | Orlando, FL 32822

 Call Meeting to Order

 Self Introductions

 Remarks by Chairman Mike Ryan

 Review of Anti-Trust Guidelines

 Report by Chapter Chairman on progress with setting up Architectural and CM contact calls

o Progress and Problems with researching projects on Google Docs

 Review of ProMasonry Platform

 Review of ProMasonry Budget

 Adjourn

Friday, January 22, 2010

January 2010-Lead Tracking Message Center

Note to Team leaders from Don: <1-25>
Hi to all, I am having a problem getting everyone signed up on google docs for the following reasons
1) People contact me to sign them up but they either don’t have an account on Google or they will be old and gray before their IT dept lets them access Docs.
2) I don’t know who they are. I’m a pretty trusting guy but not a complete pushover. Some small description would be helpful. Most times I don’t even get a name – just an email address.
3) They are requesting access from gmail only. I do not check my gmail every day so this can cause a considerable delay in getting them on. A quick phone call to 561-310-9902 would do the trick.

Bottom Line, I need for each chairperson to send me a list of names and emails to make sure everyone is signed up. Signing up 20 people is not a problem at all. Signing up 20 confused individuals bumping into each other and me in the dark is getting to be a problem. Every email has to have an account open and accessible to google Docs. I just feel like I am not giving proper access and need some help. Thanks in advance for your help.

Note to Team leaders from Joyce:
Please be sure to have each project assigned a bucket number column on Googledocs for the upcoming Promasonry meeting. If you need additional comments added to your areas below, please forward to me at

Tampa <2-8>
Lisa Pelham cell 813-784-1973

January 7-Complete
January 18-Complete
January 25-Complete
February 8th-Complete
February 15-Scheduled for 8:30 AM

February 8th teleconference reviewed status of projects to date in preparation for February 9th meeting in areas 1-2-3 below. New projects were assigned and a teleconference for 2-15 scheduled .

January 2010 Bucketlist

1. Total number of projects by bucket:

Tampa – 33 total projects from 10-31-09 thru 12-31-09. 23 contacted

Bucket #1 - 4 projects

Bucket #2- 4 projects

Bucket #3- 4 projects

Bucket #4 Hold only, no dead. 11 projects

Polk – 23 total projects from 10-31-09 thru 12-31-09. 7 contacted

Bucket #1- 2 projects

Bucket #2- 1 project

Bucket #3- 1 project

Bucket #4 Hold 2 projects

Bucket #4 Dead 1 project

2. Details for each project falling into Bucket 3- Review Google Docs/purple

3. Report on Sales Calls made during the month

Bucket 1: Designed with CMU – no alternate products
Bucket 2: Designed with a material other than CMU, and CMU cannot come in as an alternate product.
Bucket 3: Design UNDECIDED. This is pro masonry’s chance to make a difference!
Bucket 4: Project is on hold or is dead.
We will also be distributing new projects that have come into our Google docs.

Note: Team will assess lowering the project $ amount after the posting of February's projects.

  • Message:Objectives distributed to all local team members.

    Other Tampa promotional activity
  • Follow-up 3-3-2010 Bob DiPietro 813-299-3801 2-10-2010 spoke with John Holt of Reynolds / Smith / Hill regarding Ritchie Elemetary (Pasco County School). He is very interested in listening to us. The project is currently in master planning and premature for an accurate CMU cost comparison based on the current drawings. This is RSH first Pasco School project and is interested in looking at cost comparisons between CMU and tilt-up. Pasco School Board decisions on past schools to go tilt-up was strictly cost driven.
  • Dave Luebs Attended ASPE meeting (American Society of Professional Estimators) President is Bob Nidgorski, Director of Precon for SKANSKA / Tampa. Topic of tilt/vs masonry generated a call from Bob at Skanska requesting comparative numbers Phone:(813)621-5635
    Dear Mrs. Starkey, My name is Dave Luebs, Senior Estimator for Bill Overberg Masonry in Tampa, writing you as an active member and on behalf of The Masonry Association of Florida. I'm following up on conversations and emails you've had with Mike Murphy prior to the holidays relative to arranging a meeting with you, John Petrashek, and other interested parties of The Pasco County System. The purpose is to introduce you to our Association, the resources we offer, and the benefits of masonry. Please talk to John and others and let me know of a couple dates and times that would work for you. I know Don Beers, our P.E. from West Palm, would like to be part of this so we can hopefully find a date that works well for all. Please feel free to call if you wish. John and Overberg President Jim White are familiar with each other, so we can use that channel if it's more adventageous. Thank You Mrs. Starkey. I look forward to hearing from you.
  • For those of you who are new to our Pro Masonry Commercial Leads Tracking Committee, remember to contact Don Beers and ask for “permission” to participate in the Google docs information. Remember – you must set up a Google account first, although it does not have to be a gmail account. It is free and allows you to view the list of contacts and make your comments .

    Southwest <2-8>
    Shelly Honsberger 941-915-2035
    Notes: Don Beers will lower project about to $2 million for March if warranted
    January 8th meeting-complete
    January 21st meeting-follow-up at MAF meeting-complete
    January 28 meeting -complete

January 2010 Bucketlist

#1- 0, #2-0, #3-8, #4-0

Southeast/Miami <2-8>
Greg Strickland 561- 239-0386

Teleconference January 22-Complete (5 participants)
Teleconference-February 8th -Complete

  • Toll free call in number 1-866-756-1914
    Pass code is 6489663

Note: Don Beers will lower project amount to $2 million

  • January 2010 Bucketlist
    Southeast and Miami
    187 total projects
    29 new projects 1-31-10
    Bucket #1 – 11 projects
    Bucket #2 – 1 project
    Bucket #3 – 6 projects
    Bucket #4 – 25 projects

    Some of the projects prior to the 1-31-10 download have NOT been contacted.

Message: For those not on Google Docs, forward spreadsheets with updates. Project assignments are highlighted in yellow. Please start making calls ASAP with the script provided to be completed by Feb 8th. Results will be presented on the 9th in Orlando. “Bucket #3” is the top priority since these projects are at the prime phase for structural influence. Thanks again for you efforts toward promoting masonry. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or need additional information.

Please note updates to Miami Google docs sheet and activity. SE Google docs have been sanitized and are updated. Two architect calls scheduled for February. Goal for a minimum of two per month. We’ve made some progress with our ProMasonry effort in Dec/January. Two presentations, one was a sit down in West Palm Beach, the other was a full lunch presentation to about 20 people including their Senior VP. Issues addressed:West Palm Beach· upcoming warehouse building· Preliminary specs from for tilt/precast· Opportunity to convert design to masonry – both masons in attendance believes they can do it cheaper, faster better with masonry.Plantation· Tilt finish was perceived as smoother, more controllable and uniform than stucco on CMU· Tilt required less skilled labor than CMU· Preferred the mason to handle the stucco as well – not have two subs, just one sub for CMU & stucco· Sometimes false assumption that tilt is less costly and faster· Big concern of quality of workmanship, especially with aging masons not being replaced with young masons· Large CMU projects were more difficult to manage/supervise/control than large tilt projects· Multiple crew mobilizations on CMU vs. one with tiltBoth of these companies agreed that the design criteria for the structure of buildings were based on:· Site logistics· Size of project· Cost· Speed of constructionAll of these issues were satisfactorily addressed by the team, especially the apprentice program and current cost and speed of installed masonry. Both companies agreed that they would definitely give masonry a chance on upcoming projects and would solicit the assistance of local masons for budgeting as well as Don Beers for CMU design criteria. A special thanks to Dave Aiken for getting us “in the door” and Don Beers for handling the more technical questions.

Treasure Coast <2-8>

Dave Pfeffer 561-239-1400

Click here: Treasure Coast Project Tracking List

1-21-2010- Complete

2-18-2010 Prior to General meeting

Message: Treasure Coast team met prior to the TC Chapter meeting on January 21st.
Project status and assignments were given to the 7 team members to be returned to Dave Pfeffer by February 2nd.

Note: Treasure Coast to remain at $5 million for project amount

January 2010 Bucketlist

1. Total number of projects by Bucket

#1-8, #2-1, #3-0, #4- 16

2. Zero bucket #3

3. Status of calls made- See attachment

We are all working on our project list as we decided at the last TCMAF meeting. Remember we are looking to place the projects assigned to you into one of four buckets:
Bucket One – The project is going masonry
Bucket Two- The project is likely to be another product other than masonry
Bucket Three-The decision has not been made and could go either way
Bucket Four- The project is dead or currently on hold

Highlight projects that should be removed it in red. Bucket #3 is where the opportunity for us to make a real difference can be found. We really need to concentrate on those architects and engineers and even the owners if we can get in front of them. We need to utilize Don Beers with his expertise and experience to help us gain the upper hand on this market.

Central/Orlando <2-8>
Bill Parsons 407-816-5740 Ext. 13
Next meeting-February 17-prior to General meeting

January 2010 Bucketlist

Bill Parsons will review status at February 9 meeting

All who have either volunteered or been assigned to this committee- thank you on behalf of the masonry association for doing something positive to promote our industry.
Follow-up/status- February 8

Note: The Orlando team is comprised of about 10 members. Bill would like to have a minimum of 50 projects per month to assign and is requesting that his $ amount be adjusted accordingly.
Message: Please provide the update to our list prior to the state ProMasonry meeting February 9. New projects will be assigned and we will meet prior to our local chapter meeting on the 17th. Please confirm your participation. Wally has set up a Google Account and Andrew Ryan has made his call.

Please review the objectives. The following people will need to establish Google accounts: Charles Wallin, Mike Starks, Ronnie Blom and e-mail Don Beers to request access to google docs.

Attached project list with the assigned responsibility to make the calls by project title as follows: Lenny Faulkner -in process, Don Zuhr, Andrew Ryan, Jay Snyder, Chris Bettinger and Roger Paul. Completed calls will have updated information in google docs including which bucket the project falls into prior to reporting on Feb 9th.

The 5 questions to ask of the architect, engineer, and owner are included in the information forwarded. If you have any problems or questions please let me know. Thanks, Bill

Northeast <2-8>

January 2010 Bucketlist

#1-3, #2-2, #3-9, #4-8

The Northeast area completed 2 Lunch and learns on January 27th and 28th with area decision makers specifically related to Bucket 3 projects. Robert Carlton and Paul Rivers have potential architects who are willing to have appointments set in February. Information will be forwarded to Joyce Rivas who will coordinate with Don Beers and the Architects offices.
Note: Paul is providing an excel spreadsheet to team members and is requesting that Don Beers lower to $2 million for the NE area.

Northcentral/Tallahassee <2-8>
Kem Magnant 229-630-4235
January 11-Tallahassee-Complete
January 20-Gainesville-Complete
January 28-Gainesville-Complete

January 2010 Bucketlist


#1-3, #2-3, #3-3, #4-3


#1-3 , #2-0, #3-0, #4-5

Message/Tallahassee: January 11-Met w/ Tallahassee reps to begin process for reviewing area projects
January 20, 2010 2:30 pm Attendees: Joyce Rivas – MAF, Kem Magnant, Dewayne Stidham – Florida Rock, Jerry Painter – Painter Masonry, Chip Sykes, Bryan Fulcher – CEMEX, Jim Allen – Jim Allen Masonry. Kem Magnant opened the meeting and brought attention to the MAF Anti Trust Agreement. Handouts were given of the agenda and project information
Kem explained what Don Beers has done with regard to loading the projects for the Gainesville area onto the spreadsheet. She also explained that our main objective is to convert projects to masonry. Discussion was held on the projects listed. Targeted educational facilities were mentioned as a possible location for Don to work on as they have not been receptive to our contacts in the past. Jerry Painter will call the director of facilities for the local school board and try to set up a meeting with them. Projects were divided among attendees and a conference call was scheduled for 3:00 pm on Jan. 28. Meeting was completed at 3:00 pm. Projects status for both areas will be forwarded to Kem by February 8.

Northwest/Panhandle <2-5>
Jeff Gamel
Message: Don Beers had audience with large architectural firms in the Pensacola area scheduled by Jeff Gamel in the masonry promotional effort in the NW during the last quarter of 2009.

Ocala <2-5>
Lance Hill 352-266-0553
Lance received orientation for role as the Chair for the Ocala Commercial Lead Tracking Committee and agreed to the following activity:
1. Lance and Don Beers will review access Google Docs
2. North Central CLT Committee will be reviewed for reassignments to the Ocala Team
3. Lance Hill added to the Pro Masonry Meeting distribution list
4. Don Beeers add Ocala Counties in the data pull for January to be distributed early Feb
Objective to have an Ocala team & projects prior to and attend the February 9th Pro Masonry

New members added to team by Rocky Jenkins

Bryan Fulcher – CEMEX – 321-431-2442 –

Jeff Colebrook – Florida Rock – 352-257-0620 –