Tuesday, April 13, 2010

April/May 2010 Message Center

Note to Team leaders from Rocky:

Attached is the attendance list for the training next Tuesday. You have done a great job getting your teams out. Our biggest conflict was the Oldcastle Group having Sales Training that same day. Attendance stats summarize as follows:

No-9 didn’t have majority of Oldcastle on list due to conflict

The tentative agenda is proposed as follows. Your feedback is encouraged as we want these three hours to be as productive as possible for your teams.

Session I Lunch, Introductions & Orientation
Rocky Jenkins-12:00 – 12:30
Session II Calling & Meeting Architects – Do’s & Don’ts
Kem Magnant & Lisa Pelham 12:30 – 1:15
Presentation on just what it says- Do’s & Don’ts
Session III Desires of a Committee Chair
Paul Rivers & Greg Strickland 1:15 – 1:45
Lays out the process with emphasis on areas you need support
Break 1:45 - 2:00
Session IV Google Doc’s Workshop
Don Beers 2:00 - 2:45 laptops if possible, basic workshop
What’s there and how to
Session V Informal Feedback & Discussion
All, Facilitated by Rocky Jenkins 2:45 - 3:30
Open discussion – looking for buy in from the group

You have made tremendous progress over the past four months qualifying almost 300 commercial projects. We have nine Commercial Lead Tracking committees with approximately 60 participants. Continued qualifications are essential; however, I’m contacting you to request your help to take the CLT initiative to the next level. As you are aware we have over 50 projects where the Architect is undecided relative to the structural wall system. These Bucket 3 projects demand special handling if we are to achieve the expected conversions and ultimate increase in market share.

There to you have been selected to be part of a Bucket 3 Task Force put together for the express purpose of following up these undecided leads. We have reserved a meeting room at the Florida Concrete Products Association office in Orlando on Tuesday, April 27. Lunch will be available at 12:00 after which we will start the meeting at 12:30 ending no later than 3:30. The purpose of the meeting is to train on making Bucket 3 calls, secure appropriate meeting venues and ultimately influence these projects to masonry.

Your attendance at this meeting is vital.

Note to Team leaders from Don:
Please call 561-310-9902 to sign up for google docs. Local area chairs can send me a list of names and emails to make sure everyone is signed up. Every email has to have an account open and accessible to google Docs. Thanks in advance for your help. don@floridamasonry.com

Note to Team leaders from Joyce:
1. April 27, 12:00-3:00 Lunch served
Qualifying role playing Architect call training. See message above from Rocky Jenkins
FC&PA building 6353 Lee Vista Blvd. Orlando, FL.

2. Please continue to use the new spreadsheet posted on google docs that was reviewed at the last teleconference to record your area's bucket listing breakdown prior to the monthly leadtracking teleconference. Remember to record details from any conversions on the bottom of the page.

3. Leadtracking Teleconference May 3rd
Dial 213-289-0012
Access Code: 796-339-411
ID: 796-339-411

8:00 Lisa Pelham-Tampa
8:30 Greg Strickland-Southeast/Miami
9:00 Dave Pfeffer-Treasure Coast
9:30 Bill Parsons-Orlando
10:00 Wes Simmons for Kem Magnant-NorthCentral
10:30 Shelley Honsberger-Southwest
11:00 Paul Rivers-Northeast
11:30 Brian Fulcher-West Central
12:00 Jeff Gamel-Northwest

4. Bucket #3 area details are on your blogs below. If you include me in your team e-mails, I will update information. Should you need additional comments added to your areas below, please forward to me at joyce@floridamasonry.com

Lisa Pelham
lisa@a1block.com cell
Message: Teleconferences
April 19-Completed
April 30-Completed

VIEW STATUS:http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Anc38JbPrq3jdEp1YzVmM1B5ajBYc1R4Vkx1S1hUY1E&hl=en
VIEW JOBS TRACKING:http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Anc38JbPrq3jdGkwYkUzcVZJc1phZkduQWc1NXZwNEE&hl=en

Other promotional activities:
Continued conversation on BIM modeling and interface with masonry in the Tampa/architect role. Request for sample commercial comparison to use in promotion. Dave Luebs is participating through CSI and networking responsibilities and is working on a Pasco County School Board project with plans to use his new Scholarship Committee position to meet the right folks at USF and keep masonry in front of them. The MCAF Tampa Bay chapter has for many years handed out 2 $1,000 scholarships to deserving students as selected by our local committee annually. The student must be enrolled in the USF School of Architecture.Follow-up 3-3-2010 Bob DiPietro 813-299-3801 2-10-2010 spoke with John Holt of Reynolds / Smith / Hill regarding Ritchie Elemetary (Pasco County School). He is very interested in listening to us. The project is currently in master planning and premature for an accurate CMU cost comparison based on the current drawings. This is RSH first Pasco School project and is interested in looking at cost comparisons between CMU and tilt-up. Pasco School Board decisions on past schools to go tilt-up was strictly cost driven. mailto:bdipietro@fsscompany.com.

VIEW STATUS:http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Anc38JbPrq3jdEp1YzVmM1B5ajBYc1R4Vkx1S1hUY1E&hl=en
VIEW JOBS TRACKING:http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Anc38JbPrq3jdGkwYkUzcVZJc1phZkduQWc1NXZwNEE&hl=en

Shelly Honsberger
Danielle Larson will be setting bucket #3 appointments for the SW. Shelley is working with AIA for a June 2nd and/or 3rd breakfast meeting with several architects participating for CEU credits. Additionally scheduling meetings for the Victor Christian Church project, Lemon Bay school and FGCU college projects.

VIEW STATUS:http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Anc38JbPrq3jdEp1YzVmM1B5ajBYc1R4Vkx1S1hUY1E&hl=en

VIEW JOBS TRACKING:http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Anc38JbPrq3jdGkwYkUzcVZJc1phZkduQWc1NXZwNEE&hl=en

Greg Strickland
561- 239-0386
Teleconferences: 1-866-756-1914
Pass code 6489663



VIEW JOBS TRACKING:http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Anc38JbPrq3jdGkwYkUzcVZJc1phZkduQWc1NXZwNEE&hl=en

Treasure Coast
Dave Pfeffer

Message: Meeting scheduled with Suffolk for mid-April. Bob Irish is scheduling a meeting with AIA chapter. 1 bucket #2 , 2 bucket #4 active project for area. In process for AIA group presentation. Other project, Boy Scout camp is on hold.VIEW


VIEW JOBS TRACKING:http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Anc38JbPrq3jdGkwYkUzcVZJc1phZkduQWc1NXZwNEE&hl=en

Bill Parsons
407-816-5740 Ext. 13

February and March 2010 projects have been assigned in the Google Docs to the following: Andrew Ryan, Charles Wallin,Don Zuhr, Jay Snyder,Lenny Faulkner, John Rehrer,Ronnie Blom
Chris Bettinger and Wally Dayem. Request to complete qualifications for January, February and March was made. A meeting was scheduled for April 27th in the afternoon to discuss any issues as well as commitment to this process.

VIEW STATUS:http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Anc38JbPrq3jdEp1YzVmM1B5ajBYc1R4Vkx1S1hUY1E&hl=en

VIEW JOBS TRACKING:http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Anc38JbPrq3jdGkwYkUzcVZJc1phZkduQWc1NXZwNEE&hl=en

Paul Rivers
4 projects 1-qualified bucket #4. There is good news and bad news for the Northeast area. The bad news is that we have the second lowest qualified project total in the state. The good news is that we have the second most projects to call on in the state. Feedback from the promasonry meeting that can help us overcome project qualification issues includes 'role-playing' architect calls and restructuring committees to qualify more projects and obtain more bucket#3 meetings converting more projects to block by attending the meeting in Orlando at the FCPA building on April 27th from 12:00 to 4:00pm. Commercial leads in Excel format from February and March were distributed to team to be completed by the end of April. Don Beers' calendar was included to help assist in scheduling 'Lunch and Learns' for May dates.
Other activity- Meeting April 6th/L&L with Don Beers at NEFBA/AIA meeting Engineers, architects and builders/approximately 22 in attendance/representing 4-5 firms. Promotion of masonry certification workshop. Additional members are being added to team and being coordinated with Rocky Jenkins.

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Kem Magnant
Message/Tallahassee: Meeting with two sales reps in Tallahassee and will be reviewing projects for status. Discuss forming sub-committee in that area. Gary Shuard and Sam Pickenpaugh/Vulcan for job information.

April 14 – 2010 – 3:00 pm

NC Lead Tracking meeting
Attendees – Kem Magnant, Wes Simmons, Dewayne Stidham, Chip Sykes
Anti Trust guidelines were reviewed
No new projects were assigned for this month. Older projects were reviewed and bucket 3 projects were assigned for meetings and additional contacts. Upcoming lunch & learn with Alachua County Schools was discussed and plans were made for attendees and lunches.
Meeting was complete at 3:45.

April 22, 2010
Lunch & Learn – Alachua County Schools
Attendees – 3 School system employees – 3 people with MM Parrish – General Contractor, Jerry Painter – Painter Masonry, Dewayne Stidham, Kem Magnant, & Wes Simmons – Florida Rock- Chip with CEMEX was invited but unable to attend.
Don Beers presented the moisture penetration program along with the masonry promotions discussion. Handouts were given to attendees.

2 – Schools in Alachua County were on the tracking report. The prototype as presented by the General Contractor is precast. Don was aware of this hurdle prior to the meeting and geared the discussion to the cost and time advantages of masonry. The school system was unwilling to give masonry a chance on these 2 schools; however we feel that they will give masonry an opportunity in the future. We will continue to watch this school system and update their references for future jobs.

April 27, 2010
Lead Tracking training
Attendees – Chip Sykes – CEMEX, Dewayne Stidham & Kem Magnant – Florida Rock
3 members of the NC Lead Tracking team attended the training meeting in Orlando.

The Northcentral chapter has placed emphasis on Promasonry activity and progress at each monthly meeting. New projects were divided and people were assigned to make the calls. Current bucket 3 projects were discussed and contacts were assigned for follow up. Wes Simmons volunteered to contact Ponikvar Architects and try to schedule a meeting and/or lunch & learn. Ricardo Cavallino about speaking at the AIA meeting. Chip will contact UF about current projects and to try and set up a meeting. Thomas had information about a current project on the list.

VIEW STATUS:http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Anc38JbPrq3jdEp1YzVmM1B5ajBYc1R4Vkx1S1hUY1E&hl=en

VIEW JOBS TRACKING:http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Anc38JbPrq3jdGkwYkUzcVZJc1phZkduQWc1NXZwNEE&hl=en

Jeff Gamel

VIEW STATUS:http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Anc38JbPrq3jdEp1YzVmM1B5ajBYc1R4Vkx1S1hUY1E&hl=en

VIEW JOBS TRACKING:http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Anc38JbPrq3jdGkwYkUzcVZJc1phZkduQWc1NXZwNEE&hl=en

Brian Fulcher
3 February projects 2 qualified. 1 project pending. Heather Island Market Center and will be developed. Currently slated to contain an Auto Zone and Murphy's auto center.Jeff Colebrook, Paul Micali and Lance Hill are part of the Ocala team. Brian Fulcher and team will revisit October, November and December projects for status.

VIEW STATUS:http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Anc38JbPrq3jdEp1YzVmM1B5ajBYc1R4Vkx1S1hUY1E&hl=enVIEW JOBS TRACKING:http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Anc38JbPrq3jdGkwYkUzcVZJc1phZkduQWc1NXZwNEE&hl=en