Tuesday, April 27, 2010

CLT training April 27, 2010 Minutes

Self-Introductions - Joyce Rivas, PatMcLaughlin, Don Beers,Danielle Larson, Dewayne Stedham, Robert Irish, Greg Strickland, Scott Jacobs, Jose Benitez, Wade Mulllins, Bob DiPietro, Lisa Pelham, Don Zuhr, Wally Dayem, Bryan Fulcher, Frian Bussell, Bill Parsons, Shelly Honsberger, Mike Ryan, Rocky Jenkins, John Rehrer,Lora Ferris, Roger Paul, Kevin Decker, Andrew Ryan, Chip Sykes, Lenny Faulkner, Paul Rivers, Kem Magnant
E-mail listing-mailto:listing-Joyce@floridamasonry.com, pat@floridamasonry.com, daniellelarson@gblgroup.com, stidhamd@vmcmail.com, rirish@cemexusa.com,
gstrickland@cemexusa.com, sjacobs@cemexusa.com, jbenitez@cemexusa.com,
wadem@qualityprecast.com, bdipietro@fsscompanycom, lisa@a1block.com,
don@a1block.com, wabdeldayem@cemexusa.com, bfulcher@cemexusa.com,
bbussell@cemexusa.com, bparsons@pyramidmasonry.net,
shonsberger@titanamerica.com, mryan@castcrete.com, rjenkins@cemexusa.com,
jrehrer@titanamerica.com, lferris@titanamerica.com,rpaul@bedrockreadymix.com,
Kevind@masterconstructionproducts.com, mryan@castcrete.com
lsykes@cemexusa.com, lfaulkner@cemexusa.com, privers@castcrete.com,
don@floridamasonry.com, magnantk@vmcmail.com

Welcome by Mike Ryan, Promasonry Chairman. Meeting operating until anti-trust guidelines.
Rocky Jenkins provided Orientation and review of Google docs Leadtracking data to date

Kem Magnant participated in Calling & Meeting Architects topic – Do’s & Don'ts. Introductions, Why?-Identify goals, What type of call, Why should they listen to you?, Assemble your tools, NCMA Tek notes as a resource, Bulletins and details, Lunch and learns process and agenda, Follow-up . Lisa Pelham provided insight to architect call preparation, who should participate in architect presentations. Vendors and a masonry contractor. Discussion ensued regarding handling of objections and encouraging evaluation of using masonry over alternative systems. Don Beers and Rocky Jenkins encouraged identification and dialogue for timing of scheduling meetings. How to get through the gatekeeper. Call after 5:00. Ask about opportunity to update the library.

Rocky Introduced 7 of the 9 area Committee chairs. Greg Strickland overviewed the expectation of committee chairs. Locate Project decision makers. Qualify projects into appropriate 'buckets" by asking the right questions. Understand masonry and utilize industry resources. Set up meeting or presentation to influence design towards masonry. Update assigned projects on Google Docs by end of each month. Take ownership of the projects assigned to you.. Attend committee meetings & conference calls. Promote masonry. Talk to your committee chair. Tell them what your comfort level is for presentations.

Don Beers Google Doc’s WorkshopRocky Jenkins-Review of process for sign-in. Please do not sort the sheet, do not want to delete columns. You can hide columns by right clicking on the column. You can hide them, but do NOT DELETE columns. Do edit the sheet or import an excel sheet back in. You can cut and paste information back in. You can hide columns if you need to. Every area is responsible for their own spreadsheet. RED is DEAD-highlight whole project. Categorizing of projects in different phases was discussed. Different phases are assigned different project numbers and Don posts them accordingly.

Rocky Jenkins conducted Informal feedback and discussion and asked committee chairs to review tracking templates. Outstanding participation. Thank you for the work you are doing making the calls. This is all about masonry. It is already making a difference. Request for a list of those that are certified to issue credits.

Open discussion ended the training at 3:30 PM

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